Sunday, June 27, 2021

Week 17: Phase 3: The steps of woe. 27/6/21

 Last day of the week. Today what we've been able to do (Ben's helped again today) has been limited as we need the Sleepers to go in before we can move ahead, I also need to order more Gabions as we've now run out of the mesh to make the Gabion steps.

The start of the day looked like this with the large bit of earth needing to be cut out and got rid of.

By the end of the day it was looking like this...

Four steps almost in place, we could have gone further but we still need to dig the footings and put all the supporting concrete in around the next set of Timbers. The short timbers you can see in the image at the moment are only there temporarily to stop earth falling into the hole.

Last picture of the day before it started to rain hard again. We've cut the bushes at the back so that the bloke can see over the wall/hedge a bit better when he delivers the MOT stuff on Wednesday. You can't see it, but we've cleared the space at the top again - bringing the cut foundation slabs down to the bottom. I've also contacted one of the blokes at my cricket club who is a builder about some technical stuff and as suspected I've got too much MOT coming, so I need to cancel one of the bags and replace it with sharp sand and some cement. I'll do that on the way back from buying the 4 x railway sleepers. 

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