Monday, May 31, 2021

Week 14 - Phase 2 Monday 31st May

  I looks like I might get Phase #2 completed this week, the Cobbles are due on Tuesday and if all goes well will the removal of all the concrete in the hole over Monday and Tuesday the filling and finishing of the Gabion should be pretty quick. With this in mind I've given some thought to the steps and how they might be made.

There's a few issues here. Do I use cheaper softwood or a hybrid Beech/Oak wood with an expected life of 15 years as opposed to 10 years for the softwood? For the edges of the steps (Railway sleepers)? 

Another issues of the stones on the side of the existing Gabion. I'm not sure if I've used enough to allow for a low profile 'Edge of the steps' wooden wall made of the sleepers?

Anyway that's something to think about and only came to the fore once I made this diagram below. I've also found a use for some of the concrete lying around the garden. This will sit under the Gabions to give them stability. 

It may be the case that once I start making the steps I'll change the design, but for the moment it makes sense. Here's the link for the sleepers

Monday 31st A long and dusty day in the 'Hell hole' trying to dig-out and break up concrete to make it ready for the Gabion. Other than that not a lot else. The only other significant thing was moving the clay that was at the bottom of the garden to the top and out of the way. I've made the blokes blade blunt so I've ordered a exact replacement that'll arrive on Saturday and one in the short term from Screwfix to use as soon as I can. With the blade being blunt, I wont be able to do a great deal tomorrow, so hopefully the Cobbles will turn up? 

This Phase 2 is proving to be the most difficult stage yet with loads of complications and concrete that needs specialist tools like this Big old Boy. Dusty horrible work as well - hence the outfit.

This is the most problematic lump that needs to go and I've spent most of the day trying to cut it out...

1st June and Summer is here - blazing hot. Allegedly the lorry should be delivering the cobbles today, but at the moment no sign. I've emailed the company with the tracking number to see if it's going to be delivered today. If  it's not I might go and have a butchers at the local builders yard and see what the what is with scaffold boards and railway sleepers and some other stuff - prices and what have you. Other than that a trip to the dump is another option and making up the Gabion. 

Whoops I got the dates wrong, it's tomorrow and it's all systems go for a delivery tomorrow, so today some tweaking I reckon and the construction of the Gabion. 

Not a lot done today, bit of a rest day. Assembled the Gabions using Cable ties to see if it would fit in the hole and it does with relative ease. I just need to take off more of the concrete from the lump below the plinth, I'm just waiting for the new disc for the cutter/grinder. 

It looks like the Cobbles will be here tomorrow, so if I manage to get the cutting done with a bit of luck the cobbles and rubble will all be done in one day and that'll clear up a lot of the rubble and stuff that is laying around and the whole place will be a lot tidier. Then it'll be the steps... Phase 3. 

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