Sunday, April 18, 2021

Week #7 - Sunday

 Another dry day and I've been able to crack on with Gabions. Most of the day was spent tying in the internal bracing wires. Each cage has numerous wires attached to the backs and fronts and from the panels from side to side. This means that once you start filling it with rocks and it starts to misshape and bulge you simply twist the wires as in a Spanish windlass manner and correct the bulge. The wire's thick and this takes some.

Before the Gabions go in the Geotextile lining goes in first. (Above).

The Gabions made up and ready to drop in. (Above)

The small pebbles are smoothed out to level the base which was a bit of a faff.

Joe on a test run to see if the Gabions sit level. We had to do this a few times before I was happy having to lift them in and out each time to re-level the stones. 

Above a view from the ramp looking down at the Gabions in position now ready to rock.

By the end of the day the Gabions were in position ready for rock and I'd painted the wall a bit.

The next big phase is this Friday when the rocks turn up, Ben's going to have to get them all in from the back road into the garden or guard them till I come in and I can give him a hand.

Then the filling will commence.

In the meantime if time and weather allows I'll have a bit of a tidy up of the bottom area and maybe work on breaking the clay up a bit more on the top section.

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